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Puppy Rich

The other day, the puppy and I took a voyage to the Sycuan Casino disc golf course, and then went for a jaunt downtown to San Diego's "Little Italy" neighborhood. Seemingly, the only way I can drain her energy is to take her golfing, where she eventually becomes immovable. As we headed to The Local, where Resident brewing company is housed, the princess puppy put on her A game. Almost everyone will stop in hopes of getting a whiff of puppy breath, and then will say "Thank You" as they leave. You don't have to thank me for petting a creature that is basically humping your leg for attention, but it's always very sweet to hear....which leads me to my revelation.

Having a puppy is much like being noticeably rich. It's also kinda similar to being a B-list know, not popular enough to where your parents recognize me, but more like "Isn't that the guy that was in that one movie" kind of thing. Obviously since I'm neither rich or famous, I wouldn't actually know what that feels like....but, I have a puppy, so I totally do!

Dogs are natural cures, and causes, for anxiety...for most people. There was one server that looked horrified at my 6 month old golden retriever. I asked her if the pup was in her way, and she said "No, I'm just scared of dogs". I asked her later when she walked by..."What makes you scared of dogs?". Her reply: "Bad experience when I was as a kid". Something horrible must have happened if that event could make you fearful of a 6 month old puppy. Maybe she is also someone who doesn't make decisions to talk to people based on the fact they have a dog, or using my analogy, riches.

It probably seems pointless to point out my thoughts about the possible similarity of having a good looking dog, and being known for fame or money. In both cases, I'm a complete stranger, and could have a screw loose, but the overall risk/reward is trumped by the feeling of being comfortable. It's easy to see how quickly an ego would be generated, and it kind of gives credence to why mega-rich people often want to be unnoticed.

All in all, having a puppy makes me feel like a millionaire with all the people that flock to her. If everyone could have that feeling once or twice a week, the world would be a much happier place.

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